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DeLaval calf feeder CF1000.


Core benefits

  • Up to 120 calves
  • 1 to 4 milk stations
  • Feeding with milk replacer
  • Cow milk feeding optional
  • Automatic cleaning optional


– DeLaval calf feeder CF1000 has a user-friendly hand held computer with clear display panel to view ration and feeding data.
– It has a manual feeding pump to teach the calves to drink, and can be connected to concentrate feed stations to use the auto weaning function.
– Feed is individually mixed for each calf, in 0.25 or 0.5 litre portions.
– DeLaval calf feeder CF1000 has IQ heating which automatically ensures that feed is provided at the correct drinking temperature. This also provides for increasing the temperature easily for effective cleaning.


DeLaval calf feeder CF1000 makes it easy to control calf feeding, to provide a good start for your calves.
DeLaval calf feeder CF1000 is designed to feed each calf individually. It can be equipped with up to four teats and four concentrate feed stations.

3 Teat Calf Feeder

  • 21 Litre Capacity
  • 500L x 290H x 260W
  • 2ltr and 3ltr level marks
  • C/W Peach teat black

5 Teat Calf Feeder

  • 35 Litre Capacity
  • 830L x 290H x 260W
  • 2ltr and 3ltr level marks
  • C/W Peach teat black

 8 Teat Calf Feeder


  • 56 Litre Capacity
  • 1530L x 300H x 250W
  • 2ltr and 3 ltr level marks
  • C/W Peach teat black

10 Teat Calf Feeder


  • 70 Litre Capacity
  • 1900L x 300H x 250W
  • 2ltr and 3ltr lavel marks
  • C/W Peach teat black

Calf Feeder Bottle

We supply a range of quality calf feeder bottles in Wexford, Carlow and Wicklow.